What is your role within the Global MBA programme?
I joined KEDGE Business School Paris as a Welcome Desk Assistant in May 2016. As such, I interact directly with the EMBAs every time they are here…
"Create, Care and Share"
What kind of personal investment does this require?
CREATE – The personal investment is virtually 100%. Through my role, I attempt to do my best so that MBA participants feel at home in our centre by creating among us, right from the start and by responding to their needs in every way possible.
As a Welcome Desk Assistant, I closely follow whatever is happening within the MBA programme by providing a diversity of tasks that I undertake with those responsible for that module or workshop. Additionally, I also contribute to and produce the MBA newsletter which allows me to better understand articles often written by participants as well as trainers and programme managers… leading me to regularly discover new facets of these people I engage with every month.
What is the importance/significance of staff involvement with EMBA participants?
CARE – The state of mind that I must have with the EMBA’s while they are working with us is, above all, to be a good listener, to be present for each one of them with respect to their needs. Le very nature of the programme requires me to work with individuals who are each very different from one another and… that being said… their expectations and needs are also not the same.
One positive point in undertaking an MBA at KEDGE is, in fact, that the staff is always available when needed, whether that be on the campus or at a distance, in order to provide the adequate solutions for even the smallest of “problems” and to advise participants about their future prospects.
What do you get out of working with EMBA participants?
SHARE – In working with the EMBA’s, there is a mutual sharing that constantly occurs. As a result of their differences in personal backgrounds, but also professional experiences, each participant brings me something new every day. To be in contact with people coming from different universes and milieu as diverse and various as those of the EMBA’s, is a real opportunity because this constitutes learning new things daily. It is always a pleasure to exchange with the EMBA’s as I end up feeling better off from our conversations and, as a student myself, this is an immeasurable richness.
What are your key challenges with respect to participants?
Within the MBA programme, diversity is what comes out most and this touches upon all domains, whether that be social strata, age, professional experience, culture, origin, mentality or what’s more, ways of working. As a result of everyone coming in with their differences, we must find an equilibrium in spite of the fact that it’s not always easy… but, it always seems to function well as long as there is mutual respect concerning differences among them.
Of which achievement involving a participant/participants within the EMBA are you most proud?
Of that which I am most proud is when I have the feeling that each participant manages to feel like a member of one (very) big family that constitutes the MBA programme through the staff, participants as well as the trainers.
"New value-added"
How do you see the EMBA evolving in the coming years for participants?
In the coming years, I see new value-added to the MBA programme.. for example, more and more participants coming from the four corners of the globe, in particular from the African continent and even Latin America.
I also see the development of the Alumni Association through which alumni are able to exchange their experiences and their backgrounds with the incoming MBA’s. In the future, I also see more brilliant women from multiple backgrounds determined and ready to undertake an MBA at KEDGE Business School and this can only be a positive point for the school.
I imagine also that KEDGE Business School will be a school offering multi-lingual opportunities with courses in Mandarin, Arabic … and who knows what other languages! Which will only serve to grow the number of participants but also be a real value-added for companies.