Validation of prior learning and experience - VAE

Validation of prior learning and experience - La Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience (VAE) - involves officially recognising and valuing the knowledge and skills that each person has developed during his or her career, with a view to obtaining all or part of a degree or qualification registered in the National Register of Professional Certifications (RNCP).

    Target audience
    • Have at least one year's professional experience in line with the diploma or qualification in question, regardless of age, seniority in the company or level.
    • Familiar with Office software (Word, Excel, Powerpoint).
    • Familiar with writing a file.
    • Please contact us for support workshops
    • Dates of admissibility commissions: 
      • 1 December 2022,
      • 2 February 2023,
      • 6 April 2023

    24 hours

    • Admissibility application fee: €150 (non refundable)
    • Two options:
      • With 24 hours of support: €6,000
      • Without support: €2,500 

    Steps involved in Validation of prior learning and experience - VAE

    • After discussions with an advisor and positioning on the targeted certification, the candidate submits his/her application online. He/she completes the various sections of the application and uploads the compulsory supporting documents into his/her electronic file (this involves payment of a €150 application fee). The candidate completes a self-diagnosis grid to position him/herself on the level of mastery of the skills targeted by the certification.
    • The file is submitted to the admissibility commission, which meets every two months to deliberate.  The commission examines the file and then makes a decision. The candidate can be : Admitted / Not admitted / With reservations.
    • The candidate receives an answer on eligibility within 15 days of the meeting of the Admissibility Commission.
    • The admissibility of the Livret 1 is valid for a period of 12 months.
    • If you are eligible, you will also be sent a quote for VAE support.

    • A candidate can choose to be supported or to apply as an independent candidate in front of a Jury.
    • It is not compulsory to have support in writing the final validation file, but it is strongly recommended.
    • This support helps you to write your file ( the Livret II) in accordance with the jury's expectations.
    • Livret II details all the activities you have carried out during your professional life and enables you to prove the skills you have acquired in accordance with the reference framework of the diploma or qualification concerned.

    • When his or her file is ready, the candidate presents it to a certification jury.
    • The jury considers the file on the basis of an evaluation grid of targeted skills. Following its deliberation, the certification jury can take one of the following three decisions:
    • Total validation of the certification in question
    • Non-validation of the certification in question
    • Partial validation of the certification in question (proposal of a complementary training course).  Find out more about the partial validation procedure.

     VAE support offered by KEDGE

    The support lasts 24 hours and takes the form of group and individual face-to-face and remote interviews, including:

    • six group workshops lasting three hours (18 hours of group work), in person on the Bordeaux campus or remotely
    • six hours of individual support, including three hours with a specialist in the targeted degree (one hour before, one hour during, and one hour at the end of the course)
    • access to KEDGE student services.


    • Supporting candidates in drafting their livret II to help them to obtain, in whole or in part, a diploma, a state diploma or a title registered in the RNCP.
    • Analysing experiences in order to name and value skills.
    • Formalise the VAE file intended for the members of the jury, for prior reading before the defence.
    • Prepare for the oral exam and the interview with the jury.
    Diplomas and titles eligible for VAE at KEDGE

    Recognised degrees - diplômes visés

    Qualifications registered with the RNCP

    Key figures for the VAE at KEDGE


    Success in 2021


    Available qualification and degrees

    4.3 / 5

    Satisfaction in 2021