KEDGE Global Executive MBA Master Class




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The Executive MBA team is glad to welcome you to a Masterclass on « GEOPOLITICS 2024 - FACTS & INTERPRETATION: WHAT READING GRIDS? given by Pr Laurent Estachy.

KEDGE Global MBA Master Class


given by Pr Laurent Estachy

Wednesday, 26th June 2024 - From 8.30 to 11 am

Paris Campus & Online (via Teams)



"Gaza, Ukraine, and the tensions surrounding Taiwan signal a resurgence of Geopolitics and Great Historical dynamics. As economic, financial, and commercial globalization face mounting scrutiny, the once stalwart rules of multilateralism established by the West in the latter half of the 20th century are under scrutiny.
The repercussions for businesses and the corporate sphere have been profound. Recent economic and geopolitical jolts have laid bare the vulnerabilities of global supply chains. Consequently, over the past few years, many major organizations have embarked on proactive strategies to fortify their industrial sectors, prompting calls for governmental intervention.
In this presentation, we aim to introduce key frameworks for interpreting these current disruptions. Are we witnessing rational analyses or distorted perspectives? Are contradictions and confusion inevitable? Let's endeavor to dispel the haze..."


Pr. Laurent Estachy

Laurent Estachy (PhD in Economics, HEC Executive MBA) is currently teaching at KEDGE Business School - Paris, Marseille, Bordeaux and Shanghai campuses - Geo-economics and International Finance for the Global Executive MBA, International MSc or Executive Education programs.

His research papers focus on geo-economics, in other words the far-reaching interactions between geopolitics, macroeconomics and global capital markets and on financial assets pricing and the emergence of market “conventions” in the stock, bond or foreign exchange markets. Geo-economy implies to refer on the writings of economic historians and theorists of the global political economy, i.e. to rely on the hypothesis that struggles among nations to keep or reach financial and economic hegemonic position is required to understand the actual functioning and recent evolution of the world economy...

Dr Estachy published also numerous notes-case studies, applied research dealing with the shortcomings of the “standard” country risk analysis or with corporate strategic risk management related to financial markets.

Prior to working in an academic environment, Dr Estachy started his career in commercial banking at Credit Lyonnais International Headquarters and at BNP Dublin and Paris Place Vendome branch. He later worked in the Treasury & Foreign Exchange dealing room of BNP in Paris, joining first the FX spot and option trading desks and then being in charge of a portfolio of large multinational corporations (ELF-TOTAL, BP, EDF, PSA etc.). Later on, he joined a triple A institution, Rabobank International as vice-president of the Paris Branch and developed for seven years numerous high-level investment bank relationships, advising many corporate Group Treasurers, CFO or Boards on financial markets risks. 

Programme to discover at this event


Event address

KEDGE Business School Paris campus
40 avenue des Terroirs de France
75012 PARIS