Examples of our commitments to the student community and business world

- Health and Innovation centre of expertise: PhD
On the 6th of January 2021, Mme. Charlène Hoareau obtained her PhD in Management Sciences at Aix-Marseille University under the supervision of Corinne Grenier.
Her thesis is entitled: "Le réseau créatif de pratiques pour soutenir et diffuser des pratiques innovantes : Structurer et Animer une innovation organisationnelle. Le cas du champ de la santé" (The creative network of practices to support and disseminate innovative practices: Structuring and Facilitating an organisational innovation. The case of the health field)
Her thesis jury was composed of:
Pr. Hélène DELACOUR, Lorraine University, chairwoman; Dr. Christel BEAUCOURT, IAE Lille, Lille University, rapporteur (advocate-reporter); Pr. Corinne GRENIER, KEDGE Business School, thesis supervisor; Pr. Serge AMABILE, Aix-Marseille University.
Charlène Hoareau is temporary lecturer at KEGDE for the fundamental course "innovation and entrepreneurship" of the Grande Ecole Programme.
- Carbon Accounting in higher education
The survey conducted by the Carbon Footprint Association (ABC), "Carbon accounting in higher education: What are the challenges for courses and students?" was an opportunity for the students who have completed the Carbon footprint ® certification taught by Anicia Jaegler, to be involved in this study which took place between 2014 and 2019.
- PhD: Atat Yehia Mostepha obtained her PhD in Marketing under the supervision of Nacima Ourahmoune, on the 2nd of October 2020
Her thesis is entitled: "Collaborative Consumption: Insights from the Egyptian context on a Media Sharing Phenomenon".
The comity:
Frederic Prevot, President of the Committee (Head of research center Marketing et nouvelle consummation, representing the Dean) ;
Soren Askegaard, External examiner (Professor University of Southern Denmark, President of the Consumer Culture Theory consortium -CCTc) ;
Maud Herbert, External examiner (Professor Université Lille 2, directeur du centre de recherche CCT) ;
Aurélie Dehling (Head of marketing dept. KEDGE BS) ;
Nacima Ourahmoune (Supervisor).
- ISMQ : the new EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) model
The Specialised Master in Quality Management (ISMQ) from KEDGE and its partners, AFNOR and AFQP Aquitaine, organised a conference on the 10th of February on the KEDGE Bordeaux campus to present the new EFQM model to companies in the region, as well as the levers for progress and transformation it offers them (130 participants).
The Specialised Master in Quality Management (ISMQ) ranks first in the Eduniversal 2020 ranking of the best Masters specialised in Quality.
- The Sulitest
As co-founder of the Sulitest, Aurélien Décamps (Member of the CSR Centre of Excellence) works with external stakeholders to co-create specific Sulitest modules to foster sustainability / CSR learning – for examples: Module on SDG framework and SDG7 Module (Affordable and Clean Energy) with UN DESA; SDG11 Module on waste management and SDG12 Module on Circular Economy with UN Environment; Module on Rebalancing Society by Henry Mintzberg in collaboration with Kedge – McGill – UNGC PRME.
Through his work on the Sulitest, Aurélien Décamps has also contributed to the AACSB Responsible Management Education Affinity Group.
The Sulitest is now a mandatory component in the curriculum of all programmes at KEDGE. We ensure that each student acquired sustainable development knowledge, and we implemented a follow-up of progresses linked to the pedagogy.
Aurélien also works towards assisting KEDGE faculty members in developing their own Sulitest module to connect their expertise / major to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 6 Modules to date: Finance Reconsidered (C. Revelli), Global Sustainable Supply Chain (A. Jaegler), Sustainable Design (S. Paixao-Barradas), Social Entrepreneurship (G. Cajaiba-Santana), Responsible Entrepreneurship (X. Hollandts), Maritime (L. Fédi).
- The Centre of Expertise Creative Industry masterclasses
To allow our students to develop skills as close as possible to those of the practitioners from the sector and also to be inspired by the creativity, the career and the vision of certain recognised actors, a Masterclass format is proposed to the students of the MSc ARTS. This year's guests are:
Bertrand Burgalat, a French producer, musician, composer and singer. He has worked on nearly 200 records, composed for Marc Lavoine, arranged Supergrass and remixed Depeche Mode.
Valli, a singer and host of French radio and television. She was a member of the group Chagrin d'amour.
Mickael Gachet, member of music group “Bengale” and artistic director of Label Volumes Records.
Jeremie Lippmann, French actor and director for Cinema, TV and Theater. Students were invited to see its last theater play “Rouge”.
Gaspard Gantzer, senior official and politician specialised in crisis communication. From 2014 to 2017, he was advisor in charge of press relations and head of the communication department at the French Presidency, reporting to François Hollande. He did a specific focus on the Covid crisis during an online session.
Jean-Charles de Castelbajac, French Fashion designer, fashion photographer and art collector, artistic director of Le Coq Sportif and Bennetton.
- Sustainable Development Goals
With the blessings of SDSN France, Kedge is launching a label process for the integration of the UN SDGs into economics courses’ syllabi.
This effort is spearheaded by Laurence Le Poder (SEEFAR Centre member). The first year economics course in the PGE program has been validated and has received that label.
- Responsible consumption month
The Responsible consumption chair, in partnership with Vin & Société, organised a preventative campaign entitled "Responsible consumption month" within KEDGE last March. The initial goal of the campaign was to promote responsible wine consumption on the Bordeaux campus from the 2nd of March to the 3rd of April.
Concomitantly to this original campaign, we conduct surveys with all the School's students in order to know more about their alcohol and wine consumption habits but also to assess the impact of the campaign. This double survey was also the occasion to learn about i) the way families communicate between their members on the question of alcohol and wine ii) the evolution of the consumption practices in the social distancing context. Shared both in French and English on all four KEDGE French campuses (Bordeaux, Marseille, Paris and Toulon), those two surveys, that received 2,752 answers, are currently analysed by the Chair's researchers. We warmly thank students for their massive involvement in the campaign.
In concrete terms, we displayed posters in several strategical places on the Bordeaux campus and menu-holders on all the tables of the School's biggest catering room. Moreover, the campaign visuals were broadcast on all the main digital screens on the campus. The latest put forward the negative consequences of an excessive alcohol consumption, and reminded students of the simple principles of responsible alcohol consumption via the following slogan: "For your own health, alcohol is 2 drinks a day and not every day"
The very efficient visuals used during the campaign month (that turned out to be two weeks due to the sanitary crisis) were kindly provided by Educ'Alcool, a Quebec association promoting responsible alcohol consumption, that we want to warmly thank here. Next to those daily actions, Jérémy Cukierman, Master of Wine and Wine & Spirits Academy Director, hosted a masterclass to fifty students interested by wine, during which he taught the "spitting gest". The Vin & Société general delegate, Krystel Lepresle, should have held a conference on responsible consumption in Bordeaux on the 12th of March to further raise students awareness. Unfortunately, it has been cancelled due to the sanitary crisis.
This campaign was organised with the help of several School's departments, that showed a genuine interest and contributed to the success of the experiment. We would like to thank again the heads of the Wellness Centre, the president of KEDGE's student associations, the School's CSR manager, the Learning by Doing Centre director, the CSR representative from the AOC association, as well as all the Wine & Spirits Academy teams that ensured the optimal dissemination of our messages and actions. Catherine Roques (project coordinator for the Food, Wine and Hospitality Centre of Excellence and the Responsible consumption chair) and David Jaud (postdoctoral researcher for the Responsible consumption chair) coordinated this ambitious project. Heartfelt thanks to Vin & Société, Chair's partner and especially to Stéphanie Piot (deputy delegate) and Krystel Lepresle (general delegate) for their precious advice and the logistic support they brought to the table. This campaign aims to be renewed next year, and broadcast on other campuses, French schools and beyond.
- Corporate governance and food systems
Xavier Hollandts publishes opinions about the French agricultural sector, the largest in the European Union, in various media outlets on a regular basis. Xavier’s area of expertise ranges from the governance of agri-food cooperatives to the economics of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). In January 2020, his paper (with Bertrand Valiorgue, professor of Strategy and Corporate Governance, Université Clermont Auvergne ), about corruption practices within one of the world’s largest farm subsidy system (CAP) in The Conversation has reached more than 145 000 views and was shared more than 84 000 times on social media. Xavier’s opinions have received substantial coverage from popular Medias in France.
- KEDGE cafeteria and restaurant
A group of students from the MSc in Global Supply Chain Management Master program has been working during academic year 2017-2018 on a project in close collaboration with the manager of the school restaurant (Eurest). The goal of this project was to estimate a model to predict the demand for our restaurant located on the Bordeaux campus. The previous forecasting method was ‘empirical’ and essentially based on the number of students present in the school. The utility of predictions ignoring factors such as the seasonality of our academic activities (e.g. exam period), the weather (rain and temperatures), day of the month (usually students spend more at the beginning of the month), was limited and a better knowledge of the underlying demand mechanisms we needed.
Using various sophisticated forecasting methods, a group of five students along with their supervisors (Mohamed Zied Babai and Olivier Gergaud) estimated several time series models that helped the manager improve her forecasts. The manager now uses one of these models on an everyday basis. The adoption of these new management techniques helped us optimize the catering process at KEDGE. In particular, it contributed to decrease both food waste and waiting time. It improved the quality of service overall as organizing every day’s schedule became easier based on more accurate estimates of the number of eating customers. We plan to get in touch with the top management of Eurest in the near future to share with them the results of this fruitful local experience and negotiate an ambitious partnership that would concern all of their corporate restaurants.