Our examples of innovation at KEDGE.

- Partnership with Le Wagon for coding skills
Students from the MSc Digital Marketing and Sales are offered the opportunity to follow a Full Stack developer training course at the end of the program in partnership with Le Wagon.
Thus, on top of the core digital marketing skills, students are also trained in design/graphics and coding. In addition, a handpicked group of 9 students benefit from the Full Stack Developer program. It lasts 9 weeks and strengthens their technical skills. This is part of an innovative cross-disciplinary skills approach that is essential to be a competent professional in the digital world.
The Wagon is a recognized leader in innovative teaching methods for coding. Thus, through this partnership KEDGE develops innovative ways of teaching technical content to business school students to enhance their employability.
- PGE CSR major and serious games
Breeda Comyns and Julien Hanoteau, members of the CSR Centre of Excellence, have introduced simulation games into courses of several programmes. For example, they have run a climate negotiations game for the PGE CSR major, coinciding with the UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) in 2019. They have also introduced a simulation game into the PGE fundamental course titled “Sustainable Development”.
- Creation of the MSc in Sustainable Finance
Our colleague Christophe Revelli was awarded a prize from FIR-PRI Finance and Sustainable Development 2018 for the best innovation in sustainable finance: the creation of the MSc in Sustainable Finance.
- An exceptional collboration with the arts world in China: CAFA project
Thanks to its expertise in arts, culture, and creative industries management, KEDGE will offer as of the 2020 school year a unique and innovative programme in the brand new Arts management and Design Franco-Chinese Institute in Shanghai, Pudong where the Creative Industries and Culture Centre of Expertise will deliver management courses focusing on this area.
The programme will be ran in partnership with the CAFA (the Chinese Central Academy of Fine Arts) and the Paris-Sorbonne University. In total, 37 professors from French institutions will teach 52 courses on visual arts, heritage, museums, cultural industries, design and creativity management, both at the Bachelor and Master levels delivered by KEDGE. A master "Heritage and Arts market" will be dispensed by the Paris-Sorbonne University.
In the press: Gombault A., Tobelem JM (2019), « Shanghai, nouvelle vitrine internationale de l’art », The Conversation
- KEDGE's managerial communication courses revolutionise pedagogy
This initiative, mixing several technologies and teaching modalities, was voted in by Toulon student-workers who tested this new pedagogic model in February 2020.
The project:
The project aimed at implementing a "managerial communication" course, innovative in its approach and striking in the objectives to be reached:
- Breaking down barriers
- Hybrid approach
- Developing critical thinking
- Active pedagogy
- Personalised paths so each one can find his/her own path
- Developing behavioural skills (situational and emotional intelligence)
- A "blended" course (inverted logic with a strong face-to-face component), aiming to cover the behavioural skills
- Digital and remote sessions that are qualitative, innovative, and specifically developed for the occasion (many video modules, fictions, interactivity, log books, etc.)
- In-person experimental sessions, a virtual reality immersion (conceived and produced by KEDGE), an edutainment session that uses video games for educational purposes to work on and experiment with softskills.
Implementation of the course and its objectives
The learning modalities implemented during the "managerial communication course" are one of the many examples placing KEDGE at the core of innovative pedagogy to "learn differently".
- Station K: Phygital Humanities
The project, launched by the Centre of Expertise and Mollat, entitled "Station K", won the 2019 prize for pedagogic innovation.
In May 2019, KEDGE direction requested the Creative Industries & Culture Centre of Expertise to develop a partnership with Mollat, the biggest independent library in France.
Funded in 1896, in a Bordeaux city center building where Montesquieu lived, the Mollat library is nowadays the biggest French independent library (110 employees, 26 millions of revenue in 2018), a Made in France success story pertinently blending heritage and innovation. Betting on the diversification of the activity (service, advice, digitisation), the library also became an editor and e-shop (Mollat.com), publishes a cultural webzine (Station-ausone.com), organises events (the Station Ausone comprises two conference rooms equipped with cameras and a recording studio). It practices inbound marketing, focusing on rich digital content and the quality of its broadcasts, to attract people, capture the internauts' attention and transform them into ambassadors.
The "Station K" project, initiated by the centre of expertise and Mollat, won the 2019 prize of pedagogic innovation.
Its objective is to "culturalise" KEDGE students. By collaboratively mobilising the contents of the Mollat bookshop and its Ausone station, one of the most advanced digital platforms in Aquitaine, the partnership aims to disseminate, through interactive digital devices, humanities and general culture so that students discover and better understand their global environment. After a year of experimentation in the MSc Arts & Creative Industry Management and the creative industries track (M2) of KEDGE Grande Ecole programme, this pedagogical project will eventually lead to the implementation of humanities teaching in the entire Grande Ecole programme.
This year, students benefited from several masterclasses: Denis Mollat, innovative entrepreneur, Mollat librarians on French and foreign literature, commercially successful authors and critics, the writer and photograph Jean-Philippe Toussaint about his latest novel "la Clé USB". In addition, the students worked collaboratively, with each other and with the professors of the centre of expertise, on an ideation process for the development of this partnership in the PGE over the coming years.
Humanism if a typically European cultural construction, born during Antiquity (humanitas), and then develop as of the 14th century, putting an emphasis on qualitative relationships with one's fellows and communication with others. Humanities, linked to the Greco-Roman's civilisation, including arts, philology and conversation, are what laid the foundation upon which humanism is being built. Questioned for its historically dominant character and challenged by the opening up to other cultures, it is today returning among this plurality of cultures in a global world, as a factor of identity and attractiveness of our European world.
Teaching humanities in business schools stems from their current attractiveness and differentiating strategy, especially in the Grande Ecole programmes.
After the technicist, instrumental approach to management denounced by the authors of the Critical Management Education movement and their proposals to rethink the content of management learning, the humanities, among them, have never been considered so valuable in fostering the following contributions to the learning experience: ethical and aesthetic sensitivity; written and oral communication between people from different cultures; autonomous thinking and critical thinking, curiosity and imagination, relationships with others and benevolence. Harvard, MIT and Stanford have never abandoned the liberal arts, with humanities departments at the heart of the educational system, to train the American elite and develop their leadership. The delicate communication and transmission of the humanities is now being rethought in the context of the digital knowledge economy. Concepts such as 'digital humanities' explore the meeting of classical knowledge with new technologies and big data. The experimental project Station K is part of this effort to innovate in the transmission of these humanities.