Interview with Vincent LEMERCIER, KEDGE Global Executive MBA Alumni

Interview with Vincent LEMERCIER (EMBA - 2019 Alumnus), Global Raw materials & Logistics user Leader.

Vincent LEMERCIER, actor of Arcelor Mittal carbon-free policy

Arcelor Mittal has committed to a "climate1" approach with the ambition of becoming the world leader in carbon-free steelmaking. This roadmap has two objectives: Reduce its CO2 emissions by 35% in Europe (25% worldwide) by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Bénédicte Germon : How does the sustainable approach materialize? 
This project, worth more than €1.3 billion, is already having a significant impact on the French and global steel industry by being part of a large-scale sustainable approach over the next 50 years. It can also be described as a "new industrial revolution" since it involves reinventing the steel manufacturing process.

BG: What are the project characteristics?

The project consists in replacing BFs (blast furnaces), installing a direct reduction unit for iron ore and electric furnaces. Instead of coal, the direct reduction will use natural gas, and eventually a mix of natural gas and hydrogen.
The liquid steel produced by the furnaces will continue to flow through the existing facilities to produce the final steel.
The challenge, beyond the sustainable one, is technical as the industrial site will continue to operate its existing facilities, while building and integrating new ones.

BG:Vincent Lemercier, how did a KEDGE Exec. MBA alumnus get involved in such a project? 

Approached via Seekube (a jobdating events platform), ArcelorMittal proposed me to join the decarbonation team to manage the logistic part of the project. With such challenges, becoming a player in such a project, within a multicultural team (South Africa, Argentina, Brazil and Belgium), in a group present in 60 countries and offering international mobility opportunities was obviously highly motivating.  I enjoyed it!
I joined the decarbonation team 3 months ago as a support manager, site logistics operator.

What are your missions in this context?

  • Maintain the site's operation in terms of flows and management of raw material fleets (several million tonnes per year, transiting by road, rail, canal and sea) without losing current production capacities.
  • Develop a robust and efficient logistics tool for the coming decades.
  • Digitalize the processes.

NB: To succeed in such a project, in an industry in full transformation, with many challenges to be met, we, at Arcelor Mittal are looking for women and men to accompany us in this transformation: to produce steel without CO2 and digitalise our plants.
Production and maintenance jobs, as well as all support functions, are available.

Vincent Lemercier is a 2019 KEDGE Global MBA alumnus and former French Navy Officer (warship commanding officer).  He used to be Global Head of Support & Services for Rohde & Schwarz (satellite intelligence division).

Interview by Bénédicte Germon

1Part of the "Fit for 55" plan published by the European authorities to become the first climate neutral continent by 2050.