KEDGE International MBA - Full time

A programme dedicated to EXECUTIVES with MORE THAN 3 YEARS of professional experience

Admission level

From Bachelor's degree + 3 years of professional experience




MBADiploma recognised by the French Ministry of Higher Education


Full Time





  • Save the date! Our next online information session is on September 11, 2024, at 10:00 AM

    Join us to learn more about our International MBA programme for executive candidates!

  • Save the date! Our next online information session is on September 16, 2024, at 5 PM

    Join us to learn more about our International MBA programme for executive candidates!


MBA career & networks

International MBA: The fast track to your career advancement

  • An MBA can significantly enhance your competitiveness in the job market and open doors to higher-level positions and roles with increased responsibility, making it a wise financial investment in your future.

  • In addition to honing professional competencies, companies and organisations highly value leadership and soft skills. Therefore, our programme places special emphasis on fostering adaptation skills, critical thinking, and resilient behaviours, alongside providing comprehensive career development support, including optimising your CV and mastering networking best practices.

  • Soft skills and career development tools constitute 15% of the programme curriculum. These are manifested through seminars such as 'Leadership across Cultures', 'Public Speaking,' and 'Effective Remote Leadership.'

  • Furthermore, tailored workshops are designed to help you cultivate your personal brand image and equip you with strategies for effective career management and leveraging professional social networks.

Enter a powerful global community of MBAs’ and forge relationships with international executives!

Benefit from world class partners

  • Corporate partners: Our dedicated Corporate Relations teams serve as a vital link for our MBA students, connecting academia with over 1,100 esteemed Corporate Partners. These partnerships showcase the excellence of KEDGE BS in both national and international economic arenas.

  • Chairs: Research forms a cornerstone of KEDGE BS's strategy, with accolades like being voted the top Business School in France for research in the Business Administration category in the 2023 Shanghai ranking. KEDGE's research activities are deeply intertwined with the business realm through various Chairs involving major companies.

  • Academic partners: With 282 academic partners across 64 countries on 4 continents, our programme offers unparalleled international exposure and enriching experiences for our students and alumni.

Enjoy lifelong Alumni membership

Join the KEDGE BS Alumni Association and benefit from:

  • More than 80,000 executives worldwide of which 1,800 Global Executive MBA Alumni, and benefit
  • KEDGE Alumni Services

KEDGE Business School alumni are employed by leading national and global corporations, alongside innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and burgeoning startups such as:

3M, Air France, Air Liquide, Airbus, Altran, Areva, Astrazeneca, Atexis, Bank of China, Banque de France, Baxter Medical, Beijing West Ind., Bertin Technologies, Boeing, Bourbon, Bouygues, BP, Bureau Veritas, Capgemini, Carrefour, Cegedim Activ, Château Marquis de Terme, China Eastern Airlines, Crédit Agricole, Euronext, Everbright Bank, China Telecom, Cisco, CMA CGM, DCNS, Dell, Dunhill, Ericsson, EY, Ford, Foshan Vite, France TV Sports, French Air Force, French Navy, Frost & Sullivan, Gagneraud, GRDF, Groupe Amaury, Haribo, Heineken, Henkel, Herbalife, Hermès, HP, IBM, Ifoam EU, Intel Mobile, Ipsen Pharma, Iter, ITT, Jaguar Landrover, Johnson & Johnson, Kimberly, Clark, L‘Oréal, LG, MAN, Maserati, Merck, Mondial Assistance, Novartis, Pernod Ricard, Pfizer, Philips, PWC, Roche, Safran, Scandisk, Sanofi, SAP, Schneider Electric, SDP, SFR, Siemens, Société Générale, Sodexo, Sopra Banking, Sothebys, SPIE, Starbucks, Stora Enso, Saint-Gobain, Suez, Thales, Toshiba, Total, UCPA, Veolia, Volvo, etc.