
Insider's view of innovation

Interview with Nino Sapina, EMBA' 17

Expert innovator

Interview with Adrien PEIGNON, EMBA' 17

Executive coaching: life bigger and better

Interview with Jane Mobille, Professional Certified Coach

Global MBA in Paris, Kedge Business Club Manager

Interview with Kirt Wood

EMBA Participant Volunteer

Interview with Craig SWANSON

Summer Down Under

Interview with Herve Remaud - International Business Seminar, Australia

Shared views with Pr. Stéphane Ouvrard

Interview with Stéphane Ouvrard, Professor of Financial and Managerial Accounting in the Global EMBA.

Cross-border and cross-cultural: the KEDGE Global Executive MBA programme has a worldwide reach

Time will tell whether history will record the Zeitgeist of our times as one of isolationism or internationalism. But one thing is certain: in today’s world, business leaders need to be comfortable co...

Navigating with high uncertainty markets

Shared views with Philippe Meda, Professor of Business Model Design for the Global Executive MBA.

Crisis Management in a COVID world

Shared views with Pr Ian Thomas, visiting Professor at KEDGE Business School & consultant for the Global Executive MBA.