The EMBA team is launching a simple initiative to bring the Networking spirit of the KEDGE Executive MBA community (current participants & Alumni) into play even more.

What's "KEDGEmyJOB!"?
The professional context can be difficult for some, despite proven and developed skills within the EMBA programme, and others may be willing to evolve professionally. Our KEDGE EMBA network can be powerful and helpful, thanks to you.
This simple initiative consists in the setting of a KEDGEmyJOB! Whatsapp group. This group is dedicated to KEDGE EMBA Alumni and program participants exclusively, and its objective is to promote networking and recommendation of company positions and candidates.
The principle is pretty straightforward :
- You give your written agreement by email to be part of it by returning your mobile phone number to
- Doing so, you agree to respect the confidentiality of future exchanges on this group.
- You will be included on the list (managed by us-additions and removals).
- You are aware of a vacancy in your circle of acquaintances, with a level consistent with that of an EMBA :
- you circulate the advertisement on KEDGEmyJOB!: company name/ position/ level of experience required/ location/ name - contact details or job description (no more!)
- and thus contribute to promote contact and exchange.
This initiative is intended to encourage contacts, but of course does not impose any obligation of result on part of KEDGE nor on that of the issuer of the job advertisement.