KEDGE Global Executive MBA - Part time MBA

A dedicated programme for EXECUTIVES with MORE THAN 5 YEARS of managerial experience

Admission level

From Bachelor Degree + 5 years of managerial experience




Executive MBA


Work Study


November 2024 - March 2025 - December 2024 (Shanghaï)



#18 Worldwide

by Financial Times Ranking (2023)

#5 France

by Financial Times Ranking (2023)

  • Next admission dates: September 12 & 17, 2024

    Take advantage of the summer break to rethink your career and start your application.

    Apply online

Admission and financing KEDGE GLOBAL MBA

Eligibility and application to the MBA

  • We seek and select high-potential, open-minded and diverse managers able to take full advantage of this life-changing MBA experience.
  • Beyond the rankings and accreditations of which we are very proud, our school really encourages applicants to talk to students, alumni, professors and staff members and think carefully about our vision, values and methods.
  • Let us talk about your professional path and see how the KEDGE Global EMBA can help you achieve your personal objectives and career goals. Contact
  • The most important and first step of your admission process should be your participation in one of our regular MBA information sessions or masterclass followed by a personal meeting.

Are you up for the challenge?

Bachelor Degree + 5 years of managerial experience


 Executive MBA price

€ 39000

  • University degree or equivalent
  • Significant work experience and a minimum of 5 years experience in management
  • Strong motivation and clear professional objectives
  • Required for non-native English speakers: TOIEC (750), TOEFL IBT (100) or IELTS (7) 

  • To apply online, go to: "Join us
  • 200€ non-refundable application fee (includes admission exam cost, the Business Admission Test)
  • We accept applications on a continual basis and examine them in their order of arrival
  • Information provided in the application form is strictly confidential
  • Once your application is complete, you will be invited for test & interview

Ahead from applying, you must know how you intend to fund your MBA. Get in touch with the recruitment officers for help and details.

Depending upon your funding options, process usually stands as follows:

  • Your registration file must be completed on line at least one week ahead from the interview/ test.
  • Selected applicants must provide successful scores from either the GMAT or the KEDGE Business Admission Test (BAT). The BAT test consists in a 2-hour Aptitude MCQ – problem solving, communication, numerical and factual data management, logical thinking.
  • There is also a mini case study with an oral presentation to the jury, developed to test career maturity and business “acumen” of candidates.
  • The case study is followed by an admission interview led by a member of the faculty and a senior administrator to express your motivations.
  • Applicants are notified their results within a week.

In order to optimise time, specific admissions days are scheduled throughout the year. Candidates may choose a morning or afternoon time slot.

Candidates should count on maximum of half a day for the admission session including: 3,5- 4 hours to complete a mini-case, interview and BAT exam (unless otherwise exempted). Online admissions can also be organised.

Alternative admissions can be arranged exceptionally on a case-by-case basis upon MBA Director’s approval. 

Next Admissions Days :

Next admission dates: June and July 2024 in Bordeaux, Paris and Marseille.

- Paris and Marseille: Tuesday June 4, 8:30am to 6pm

- Bordeaux: June 14, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

- Bordeaux, Paris, Marseille: July 4, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Other dates will be available.

Your registration form must be completed online 15 days in advance. 

For all registrations before July 30, receive 10% EARLY BIRD.

Your registration file must be completed on line a week ago. 

  • Paris / Marseille / Bordeaux : November, 21th 2024
  • Shanghai : December 2024

What is the KEDGE MBA price ? How to finance it ?

Funding / MBA price

The tuition fee of KEDGE Global EMBA program is €39,000. Even if the MBA price is not the main argument in doing an MBA, participants have the possibility to turn to multiple sources of funding to pay their MBA.

Our Admissions team is available to advise you regarding all financial options and support you in your search for financing. As every student is in a unique position, many opportunities have to be considered:

  • Company sponsorship 
    • Public organisations (CPF - OPCO)
    • Preferential bank loans agreements
    • Tax cut
    • Payment tuition plan
    • Financing by third party (private scholarships, supported by companies and foundations).
    • KEDGE Scholarships. 

Call today to discuss your financial strategy : Paris - Marseille - Bordeaux


Global EMBA scholarships

KEDGE Global EMBA scholarships are awarded upon application to promote diversity in the intake, and are based on a combination of demonstrated need and excellence, in different categories:

  • Diversity & International Participants
  • Women in leadership scholarship*
  • Excellence
  • Self financing
  • Individual entrepreneurship projects

Please contact a programme representative for more information and a scholarship application form.

*Women in leadership Scholarship

The KEDGE Global Executive MBA is committed to supporting women in advancing their professional careers.  


To be eligible to this scholarship, students must be:

  • An admitted applicant to the Global Executive MBA programme
  • Not be receiving any other source of financing for the programme.

Application process 

The scholarship application must be prepared in time for one of four scholarship juries annually.  Dates for scholarships are provided upon request. Process: application, review, and notification.